Saturday, December 26, 2020

Inspiration for our times - water

I have loved the feelings of JOY  I felt this Christmas season and hope you have too. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has chosen to partner with WaterAid to support clean water projects around the world. If you would like to continue feeling the JOY of Christmas consider going here to learn more or to donate.

Talk: A Reservoir of Living Water -  David A. Bednar
Women at the Well - Kenneth Cope
When It Rains - James Loynes
The Master's Voice - Allyse Smith Taylor
Bridge Over Troubled Waters - Westminster Chorus (singing begins at the 1.16 time stamp)
As the Deer Pants for the Water English Christian worship song

Additional thoughts:
*Christ Is the Living Water
    Do you wish to partake of this living water [spoken of in John 4:14] and experience that  divine well springing up within you to everlasting life?
    Then be not afraid. Believe with all your hearts. Develop an unshakable faith in the Son of God. Let your hearts reach out in earnest prayer. Fill your minds with knowledge of Him.        Forsake your weaknesses. Walk in holiness and harmony with the commandments.
    Drink deeply of the living waters of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

*  How Does the Living Water Bless Us?
The living water heals us through the power of the Holy Ghost.
The living water nourishes and sustains us (see Matthew 11:28).
The living water brings peace and joy (see John 14:27; D&C 101:16).

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