Sunday, January 3, 2021

Inspiration for our times - Relationships

I don't know about you but I seem to understand more gospel principles than I actually live perfectly each day. As I reflect on my life this New Year I believe that my motivation in life has mainly been obedience. However good that is, I would like to have Love be my motivation. At the times it has been forefront in my mind I felt more joy and peace and been more kind and accepting. In the year 2021 may we each "See more clearly, love more dearly and, follow our Savior more nearly day by day" ...Richard of Chichester

Talk: "The Gospel of Relationships" by Marleen Williams
Quote from talk:
"When we learn to love each other and have respect for our different abilities, we prepare ourselves to live in a celestial order. Each person edifies the other, and then the whole can become a Zion society."

Quote: from: Liahoni Magazine August 2018 quote: 
Jesus Christ built meaningful relationships with His disciples (see John 11:5). He knew them (see John 1:47–48). He spent time with them (see Luke 24:13–31). His communication went beyond the superficial (see John 15:15). He appreciated their differences (see Matthew 9:10) and saw their potential (see John 17:23). He served everyone, though He was Lord of all, saying He came not to be ministered to but to minister (see Mark 10:42–45).

Tabernacle Choir - Love One Another
City of Enoch - God So Loved the World
Fountainview Academy - Why Me?
Doxology - It is Well                                   
Maranatha! Music - In Moment Like This
Tabernacle Choir - Consider the Lilies

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