Sunday, December 13, 2020

Inspiration for Our Times - Harmony

Being a very independent person I often struggle with harmony. Perhaps you do as well.  Some synonyms for Harmony are: concord, accord, agreement, peace, peacefulness, amity, amicability, friendship, fellowship, comradeship, solidarity, cooperation, understanding, consensus, unity, sympathy, rapport, goodwill, like-mindedness. unison, union, concert, oneness, synthesis, concurrence. I plan to pick one synonym this week and work to improve what I can to be more in harmony with God, my family and my associates. Perhaps you would like to do the same. As we each do our part we will be happier ourselves and create more joy in the world.
Gérald Caussé - Harmony of Body and Spirit:  A Key to Happiness        
800 musicians from 55 countries combine to create a stunning virtual video - Nearer, My God, to Thee
Christmas Song - Chris Norman
Praise & Harmony Singers - Oceans
Westminster Chorus - Tribute to World Peace Medley

Short video clip: Family Harmony
Unrelated video:

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