Sunday, December 12, 2021

Inspiration For Our Times ~ Provisions ~

complete Speech:    “Sure Provisions”  by Shawn Andreasen

speech excerpt:  Sure Provisions


The Lord My Pasture Will Prepare  - The Tabernacle Choir
Supply (Lyric Video) - New Creation Worship
Jesus Paid It All - Fountainview Academy
Thou Gracious God, Whose Mercy Lends - The King's Singers & the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

 Christmas Music with my favorite vocalist
Josh Groban - O Holy Night 
Josh Groban - Silent Night

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Charity ~


Talk:   I found a talk given by Carolyn J. Rasmus in 1981, The Bond of Charity. It is only in written format (no video or audio) So it won't be easy studying this day, you will need to read the talk. However, I believe you will be glad you did read!

Faith Hope and Charity - Roy Rogers & Dale Evans ("THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO This is an album I remember from my is the entire album so the 1st song is the one I want you to listen to.)
* What More Can I Give, Charity Concert, 2001
Dionne Warwick - That's What Friends Are For
*Love at Home - Fountainview Academy
*Where Love Is - The Tabernacle Choir

And once again my current favorite singer You raise me up by Josh Groban
Have a wonderful Sabbath Day and fantastic week. I love you all.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Inspiration For Our ~ Patience ~

Listen to Neal Maxwell's talk from Nov. 27, 1979 at BYU on Patience 

Patience (Herbert the snail) I use to play this for my 1st graders when I was teaching school.

Video Short: 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ try, try, try ~


TALK:  Try, Try, Try -- by  Henry B. Eyring

Search Me God (Piano, lyrics & beautiful scenery)

My Own Sacred Grove - By Angie Killian featuring The Piano Gal & One Voice Choir
I Can Only Imagine - Yahosh Bonner & Elder Dansie
I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus -Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square
Never Give Up - Fountainview Academy
I Feel My Savior's Love -  Missionaries in Visalia California
Search Me O GodThe Cathedrals

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ hallowed ~

Hallowedmade holy; consecrated, greatly revered and honored.

synonyms for hallowed

Talk: by Howard W. Hunter - Hallowed Be Thy Name

How Great Thou Art - Byu Noteworthy
To God Be The Glory | Fountainview Academy
The Lord's Prayer - Charlotte Church

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Miracles ~


Talk: Brian Atkinson - “Seeing Miracles”

Miracles by Sally Deford
The Miracle by Shawna Edwards 
God of Miracles by Worship Together kids
A Hundred Million Miracles (From 'Flower Drum Song')
Miracle Worker -Nathaniel Bassey 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Inspiration For Our Times ~ The Words We Speak ~


Talk: The Words We Speak by Lauri Arensmeyer 
This talk really resonates with me. I want to be compassionate with my words I speak to others and about others. I am going to apply the truths in this talk. I hope can you too!

"Today, I invite you, as I have done, to “look in the mirror” as you consider these questions:

Do you speak harshly to your friends, colleagues, spouse, or children?
Do you criticize, belittle, or speak unkindly to others?
Do you yell angrily or with vulgarity in frustrating situations?
Do you gossip instead of addressing concerns directly with the person with whom you are at conflict?"

Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words- Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square
Say the Word - Hillsong
Beautiful Words - Fountain View Academy

And , because I love his voice,  Josh Groban - Pure Imagination

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Feast

This week-end's Conferences talks have been so inspiring. I am putting the link 's to the sessions so  we may feast on them again and again.

“To feast means more than to taste. To feast means to savor. We savor the scriptures by studying them in a spirit of delightful discovery and faithful obedience. When we feast upon the words of Christ, they … become an integral part of our nature.”        President Russell M. Nelson,

 Sunday Sessions 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Confidence ~

This week I ushered twice  for the "Sound of Music"  That was my motivation for choosing Confidence  for my blog this week. Enjoy the talk and music, I have confidence this will be a great week for you!

 Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence | Jeffrey R. Holland

I Have Confidence - Sierra Boggess 
You Say - BYU Noteworthy
Never Give Up - Fountainview Academy

Video shorts:
This Race Called Life - a beautiful inspirational short-story
If by Rudyard Kipling - Read by Sir Michael Caine
Demi Lovato - Confident [Ballerina/Leap]

and I just had to add a Josh Groban song: To Where You Are

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Simplicity ~


Talk: Mike Whitworth - “Simplicity, the Act of Doing”

 Simple gifts -Tabernace Choir
Ode to Simplicity - violin & piano
God´s Promise of Paradise ! - kingdom melody 
In His TIme - Lyric Video

video shorts:
"Life" - A Silent, Smart & Simple Short Film!
Think Simple Live Simple | Moral Stories in English

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Be Responsible ~

responsible synonyms:  accountable, answerable

TalkBe  Responsible | Elder Lynn G. Robbins

Responsibility Song (Mrs. Li's Class)
Small Things | Music Video
I Will | Face to Face
LDS Church Hymn- Know This, That Every Soul Is Free

Video Shorts:
How To Be Responsible and Accountable by Jeff Muir                                                               Responsibility                                                              

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Murmur Not ~



Murmur Not by Neal A Maxwell

Press Forward Saints - Tabernacle choir at Temple Square
Wait and Murmur Not- virtual choir
Trust and Obey - Fountainview Academy

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Talk: "Aligning with the Light"  by Kevin Redd, BYU Idaho, August 10,2021


Teach Me to Walk in the Light - Tabernacle Choir
The Lord Is My Li ght  - Sister Missionaries
 Follow The Light – Hilary Weeks
Lead Kindly Light -BYU Vocal Point  

Video shorts:

I encourage you, my friends, to read Doctrine and Covenant section 88. to gain a better idea of the importance of Christ as the light, life, law, truth, and way. Have a great week. Pat


Sunday, June 20, 2021


TALK:  Lord, If Thou Wilt- Glenn Rawson


Free My Soul - Youth Music Festival 2021
He Heals - Booth Brothers


Sunday, June 13, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Law ~

Elder Randy Funk spoke last night at my Stake Conference. He discussed 2 Nephi 2:13 and drew the following on the whiteboard. I know it is nothing new but the discussion was a new approach to me and the spirit was strong so it touched me heart and mind. I hope it touches you too!

Talk: the great Plan of Happiness by Dallin oaks 2015 

I will follow God's Plan - choir at Temple Square
Higher Ground - Fountainview Academy

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~` morality ~

Ponder: "It is almost unbelievable to think that God gave to man that power which was most prized and sacred to Him--the power to create other men. Because God gave to us this power, He, and He alone, has the right to prescribe how it should be used."
Tad  R.Callister

 Talk: (watch, listen or read) The Lord's Standard of Morality                                               by Elder Tad R. Callister, BYU Idaho, 2013

Live Like You Believe by Jenny Phillips
Morality song (good message, off key voices)
The Lord Bless You And Keep You - John Rutter arr. Bobby Goulder (one-man choir)
Virtue - By Jenny Phillips

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Inspiration for our Times ~ Be Wise ~

 This week's Come Follow Me scriptures were Doctrine & Covenents 51-57.  I teach Primary and the topic from those scriptures I am teaching comes from D&C 51;19 Where it talks about being a Faithful, Just, and Wise Steward. That is the inspiration for looking at talks on wise this week. I hope whatever age you are, this talk will touch you and help you. I love you all, have a good week and Be Wise.

Talk:   Be Wise by Dallin Oaks, BYU Idaho 2006

Video Shorts:

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~Miracles” ~

Talk: Behold! I Am a God of Miracles” - Ronald A. Rasband - April 2021
Miracles with Lyrics | Choir | Zephyr's Echo
When You Believe - Cover by One Voice Children's Choir
 miracle -  Celine Dion
Standing on the Promises | Fountainview Academy
Kari Jobe - Miracles
The Miracle - Shauna Edwards

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ "We Are the Product of Our Choices" ~


This talk is also about the law of the harvest: What you sow you will reap. 
      I know I don't always sow the seeds of goodness and am so grateful for Jesus who calls me to make better choices and forgives me and helps those who have been negatively affected by my not so good seeds. He also can give us blessings even in our "bad" choices. Not to reward us but to remind us that He loves us and we can change. He wants us to sow seeds of goodness and LIVE a good life. Not DIE or wither in an "bad" life.

Another thought comes to my mind:
    "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify our father which is in heaven. (Matt. 5:16)



Sunday, April 25, 2021

Inspiration for our times: study

For those of you who don't know me very well here are 5 things  about me now or me in the  past. 

1.    I write a weekly blog on a religious topic I study throughout the week, I email it to my friends and post it on facebook

2.      I am a retired elementary School teacher, I live on 1st South in Logan, Utah; right across the street from the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. The building houses the Mt. Logan Stake,  the Stewart Park Ward, and the Johanson Park Ward. I attend the Stewart Park Ward and am a  Primary teacher.
3.    twenty+ years ago I lived on 7th N in Logan Utah, I attended the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. I taught Releif Society lessons there; the Building I went to housed the Logan 10th and 29th Wards. I was a member of both due to the boundaries being re-aligned. and  I taught school (1st & 4 grades) at Wilson Elementary School.
4.     Those of you who teach or have taught know that you cannot teach anything that you do not know. My church mantra was and is "you cannot have an adequate faith in a GOD you do not know."  Most of my hours away from teaching were/ are spent in studying both religious an secular subjects. I was asked once why I spent so much time reading. I did it so the subject I was to teach became mine; in other words so I would know it in my head (for teaching at School) and in my heart (for teaching at church) 

5.    Please listen to this talk and music--- may it inspire you to  use the five suggestions  of President & Prophet Russell M. Nelson: especially Study This blog is for all of you I love  and for the Lord MY Savior and King who knows me and who prays for me. 

TALK : "Christ Is Risen:Faith In Him Will Move Mountains" by Russel M. Nelson April 2021
Ponder this: "To do anything well requires effort. Becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ is no exception. Increasing your faith and trust in Him takes effort. May I offer five suggestions to help you develop that faith and trust.
First, study. Become an engaged learner. Immerse yourself in the scriptures to understand better Christ’s mission and ministry. Know the doctrine of Christ so that you understand its power for your life. Internalize the truth that the Atonement of Jesus Christ applies to you. He took upon Himself your misery, your mistakes, your weakness, and your sins. He paid the compensatory price and provided the power for you to move every mountain you will ever face. You obtain that power with your faith, trust, and willingness to follow Him.
Moving your mountains may require a miracle. Learn about miracles. Miracles come according to your faith in the Lord. Central to that faith is trusting His will and timetable—how and when He will bless you with the miraculous help you desire. Only your unbelief will keep God from blessing you with miracles to move the mountains in your life.10
The more you learn about the Savior, the easier it will be to trust in His mercy, His infinite love, and His strengthening, healing, and redeeming power. The Savior is never closer to you than when you are facing or climbing a mountain with faith."

You'll Never Walk Alone" Virtual Choir/Orchestra 15 Countries: 300 People
"Faith Unlocks the Door"  sung by Carroll Roberson (as a young girl I remember my Grandfather, my father and Jessie Evans-Smith singing this song as it was arranged by Mickey Hart)
No Other Gods - Tim Timmons
Lenny LeBlanc - There is None Like You 
What a Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship-| BYU Vocal Point ft. David Archuleta
BBC Songs of Praise, The UK’s Favourite Hymn | BBC One - 12/07/2020 (this is a 48 minute tv program)
Let the Holy irit Guide (this is the Perfect song to end with)

Sunday, April 18, 2021

inspiration for our times ~ Steady and Strong

Ponder this"The Harvard Business Review in the article “The Making of an Expert,” July 2007, explained that outstanding performance in fields such as athletics and music required three things:
Time, or 10,000 hours as we’ve been discussing.
A mentor such as a coach or teacher.
And what they labeled as “enthusiastic support from home.” 
I think all three of these elements apply in building testimony."

All People That On Earth Do Dwell - The Tabernacle Choir
Steady - Bryan Lanning & Brennley Brown
 Steady and Strong- Bowden Brothers -
"You Raise me up" - Tabernacle Choir men