Sunday, November 21, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Charity ~


Talk:   I found a talk given by Carolyn J. Rasmus in 1981, The Bond of Charity. It is only in written format (no video or audio) So it won't be easy studying this day, you will need to read the talk. However, I believe you will be glad you did read!

Faith Hope and Charity - Roy Rogers & Dale Evans ("THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO This is an album I remember from my is the entire album so the 1st song is the one I want you to listen to.)
* What More Can I Give, Charity Concert, 2001
Dionne Warwick - That's What Friends Are For
*Love at Home - Fountainview Academy
*Where Love Is - The Tabernacle Choir

And once again my current favorite singer You raise me up by Josh Groban
Have a wonderful Sabbath Day and fantastic week. I love you all.

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