Saturday, August 1, 2020

Inspiration for our times ~ hear

"The adversary is clever. For millennia he has been making good look evil and evil look good. His messages tend to be loud, bold and boastful. However messages from our Heavenly Father are strikingly different. He communicates simply, quietly, and with such stunning plainess that we cannot misunderstand."

Listen HERE to Elder Weatherford Clayton as he speaks and shares excerpts from April 2020 General Conference to help us to be better at hearing the Lord! Get out your paper and pencil you will want to take notes.

"The Master's Voice" -  Allyse Smith Taylor
Be Thou My Vision - BYU Noteworthy
 " I Feel God's Light" - by Lori Walker and Blake Gillette
"God Treasures Those Who Can Listen to and Obey Him"
"Speak to me" - Dave Lubben
"Live Out Thy Life Within Me - Fountainview Academy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for having such a good blog. You are so creative and I love how you put things together.