Sunday, July 12, 2020

Inspiration for our times ~ encourage, edify, build up~

During these months of staying home have we forgotten how to let others know they are special? One of the most basic of all human needs is to feel loved. And one of the easiest ways to show that we care for someone is to thank them. Some other things you can do are: listen carefully, tell others what they mean to you, honor their feelings, focus on them, be a light. I made two images and selected two scriptures to express different elements of edifying. I hope you enjoy!

Watch, listen, or read "Building Up the Soul" by Russell T. Osguthorpe 

Ponder this:
"We came to this earth to prove ourselves. But we can't go through this test alone. We're in this complex, mixed-up world together. In that Great Council in Heaven before we came here, we probably had some premonition of how challenging mortality might be. But a loving Heavenly Father told us that his Only Begotten Son would save us from any calamity that might befall us. Any calamity. So we looked to the Lord and smiled. We knew that with His help, and only with His help, we would be able to make it through this life and return and live with Him forever. 

From the very beginning we knew that mortality would not be a solo venture. We needed a Savior to atone for our sins, and a loving Father assured us that Christ would provide that atonement. But this was not all. Salvation is not a do-it-yourself project. It cannot be gained alone. Mortality is something we work on together. That is precisely why the doctrine of the eternal family is so central to all that we believe. We grow up in families so that we can gain the strength we need to reach out and help others. 

President Spencer W. Kimball taught that "God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs."  

LIFT ME UP -Jericho Road 
Maroon 5 - Memories - One Voice Children's Choir
You Raise Me Up -  COLOR MUSIC Children's Choir
Don't Give Up - David Archuleta
Be Thou My Vision - BYU Noteworthy
When You Say Nothing At All - The Petersens 

Short video clip: 
No Cussing Club-  one boy’s crusade to encourage clean language has far-reaching effects.

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