Sunday, March 29, 2020

Inspiration for our times - watchful

It looks like we have Mallard ducks nesting in our bushes again this year. The male is in the front yard watching and ready to protect his family. He didn't move for over an hour, just kept watch, even when I walked close by and took his photo.

1 Thessalonians 5          

Lessons for watching:
             (from by David A Bednar, October 2019 General Conference) 
*Beware of Evil’s Beguiling Disguises
*Stay Awake and Be Alert 
*Understand the Intent of the Enemy

Just as important lessons can be learned by observing the behavior of cheetahs and topis, so each of us should look for the lessons and warnings found in the simple events of everyday life. As we seek for a mind and heart open to receive heavenly direction by the power of the Holy Ghost, then some of the greatest instructions that we can receive and many of the most powerful warnings that can safeguard us will originate in our own ordinary experiences. Powerful parables are contained in both the scriptures and in our daily lives.

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