Sunday, January 31, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Rescue, Redeem, Restore ~

Watch: "To the Rescue: We Can Do It" by Elder Mervyn B. Arnold (10 min. talk from 2016)

Watch: “Rejected, Rescued, and Redeemed” by Sharon Eubank (5 min. talk from 2019)

Listen and watch Music videos:
"Restored" Shawna Edwards (lots of song on this track but #1 applies to restored)
"Oh Lord My Redeemer" - Jeff Goodrich
"Redemption Song" - Bob Marley
"Homeward Bound" - BYU Vocal Point & The All-American Boys Chorus
"Do You Have Room?" - by Eclipse 6
"Redeemed" - Fountainview Academy
"Redeemer of Israel" - Tabernacle choir

Video shorts:
"Rescue" - song by Operation Underground Railroad Ambassadors

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Opportunity~

This week I have been a bit slack in my commitment to my goals so when the Lord led me to the talk This Is My Day of Opportunity it spoke to my heart. Perhaps you too are missing opportunities to become who the Lord wants you to become. Despair not we have each new day as a gift to improve. Let us recommit to avoiding distractions and keeping our focus on developing who we want to be. And thank you for participating in the blog. It helps me each week to know that perhaps I may help inspire someone to come unto Christ. 

Watch talk: “This Is My Day of Opportunity” - Michelle D. Craig
Read the talk: here
Ponder this:
"When it comes down to it, there aren’t very many things you can take out of this world. A funeral is quick to remind us of that. . . . As near as I can tell, you can take three things:
You can take your character, including what you have learned, what you have done—who you have become. To build character is one of the purposes for which we are here.
You can take the ordinances of the gospel.
Because of the ordinances, the third thing that we pray we can take—and plan to take and want to take—is our family." ~Jeffery R. Holland~

Close as a Quiet Prayer - Allyse Smith Taylor
Heaven's Embrace - James Loynes
A Million Dreams by One Voice Children's Choir
I am a Child of God - LDS Church Messages
Press Forward, Saints - Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Consistency ~

Consistency is the ability to replicate a process or activity with the same level of quality over and over again.
As I ponder this I realize there is only one way to be prepared for future events. It is to build on what I have always been doing. Don't work harder just work a little better each day. Be consistent in prayer, fasting, serving, loving, learning, improving, and following. 

Talk: The Cadence of Consistency by Steven D. King (Director of Laie Hawaii Temple Visitors’ Center)

Because - written by Shawna Edwards
True to the Faith - Tabernacle choir
Come Unto Christ - Voices Elevated
I Know My Father Loves Me -  Reese Oliveira
I Need Thee Every Hour - Tabernacle Choir

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Inspiration for our times - Relationships

I don't know about you but I seem to understand more gospel principles than I actually live perfectly each day. As I reflect on my life this New Year I believe that my motivation in life has mainly been obedience. However good that is, I would like to have Love be my motivation. At the times it has been forefront in my mind I felt more joy and peace and been more kind and accepting. In the year 2021 may we each "See more clearly, love more dearly and, follow our Savior more nearly day by day" ...Richard of Chichester

Talk: "The Gospel of Relationships" by Marleen Williams
Quote from talk:
"When we learn to love each other and have respect for our different abilities, we prepare ourselves to live in a celestial order. Each person edifies the other, and then the whole can become a Zion society."

Quote: from: Liahoni Magazine August 2018 quote: 
Jesus Christ built meaningful relationships with His disciples (see John 11:5). He knew them (see John 1:47–48). He spent time with them (see Luke 24:13–31). His communication went beyond the superficial (see John 15:15). He appreciated their differences (see Matthew 9:10) and saw their potential (see John 17:23). He served everyone, though He was Lord of all, saying He came not to be ministered to but to minister (see Mark 10:42–45).

Tabernacle Choir - Love One Another
City of Enoch - God So Loved the World
Fountainview Academy - Why Me?
Doxology - It is Well                                   
Maranatha! Music - In Moment Like This
Tabernacle Choir - Consider the Lilies