Thursday, May 14, 2020

Inspiration for our times ~ believing~

I can't believe I took the following photo in Scotland and caught such a perfect reflection of this harbor. Today's post is about BELEVING.

Songs to listen to:
"Believe" by Gentri       
"I Believe in Christ"  by Jen Marco Handy 
"I Will Be What I Believe" written by Blake Gillette

I would like to share talks by two of my favorite Apostles, Jeffery R. Holland and Dieter F. Uchtdorf. With all the comotion surrounding the World's chatter about the covid 19 coronavirus, we need to remember in whom we trust and to whom we believe.

Watch here: "Lord, I Believe" by Jeffery R. Holland

Watch Here: "Believe, Love, Do" by Deiter F. Uchtdorf

More songs about Believing: 
Saddleback Kids
The Creed
Donna Summers

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