Thursday, December 5, 2019

December 2019 ~bookmark and ministering thoughts~

 Are You All In?   by Doug Conway  

What does it mean to be all in?

(1) It is to remember the Savior and His great atoning sacrifice in all that I do.

(2) It is having a mighty change of heart where I no longer desire to do evil and instead strive to do good continually.

(3) It is to live in such a way that I can feel the promptings of the Spirit and then have the courage to follow those promptings.

(4) It is to do my very best at what I am called to do.
(5) It is to serve others because I love them.

(6) It is to be strong and steadfast and follow the prophet and stay in the Church no matter what half-truths are thrown our way

(7) It is to repent, continually striving to be the best person I can be. 

(8) It is to continually seek for more light and knowledge through diligent study and prayer.

(9) It is to trust in the Savior no matter what trial comes my way.

(10) It is to endure, serving faithfully to the end.

Merry Christmas!

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