Tuesday, February 12, 2019

2019 February~Authentically Connected to Heaven

(I did not make this handout, I found it online and loved it, after listening to my grandson Luke give his Mission farewell talk in church I realized he will make a fantastic missionary because he is 
authentically connected to himself and God)

Talk: by Christian Mawlam 
                             Watch video: "Authentically Connected to Heaven” 
                              Listen to talk:  here

Quote from the talk.“We want fundamentally, deep down to be accepted, and to be loved and appreciated,” Mawlam explained. “But sometimes I think we chase the wrong idea of what successful actually looks like and successful in the eyes of our heavenly parents is probably closer to what matters most.” (The following is a 1 minute giving the above quote.) “When we choose to live according to the truths of His restored gospel, we will discover things about ourselves that cannot be learned anywhere else,” he said. “

"The end will always be better than the beginning."

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