Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Primary in the 1950-60's

      Primary for me was a wonderful day of the week. I was learning to be a Homebuilder, spending time with my friends, and keeping my mind busy.

      Also, each week Bea Fischer Sr. had us girls come early and practice singing.
She had us perform around town and in the Stake. We had wonderful opportunities even after we left Primary. She kept us singing as a group until we graduated from High School and left for college etc. Those I remember being in the group were:
Bea & Candy Fischer, 
Pam Skinner,
 Melva Noble, 
Delilah Marks, 
Carol & Charlotte Mikesell (my cousins), I
Me & my sister Margaret 'm sure there were more but memories are fallible.
Here is the sampler we crossed stitched  and the bandlo we wore to mark our achievements. (I can remember what they were except memorizing the 13 Articles of Faith, which I did and can remember to this day.)
 I will bring the light of the gospel into my home by greeting the day with a song...(I can't remember the rest.)
We were Larks, then Bluebirds, than Seagulls. I haven't found any reference in google on this but will add to this post if I do. I'm setting a goal for 2018 to bring the light of the gospel into my home!
Great memories, I pondered in the Temple today. 

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