Sunday, September 26, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Confidence ~

This week I ushered twice  for the "Sound of Music"  That was my motivation for choosing Confidence  for my blog this week. Enjoy the talk and music, I have confidence this will be a great week for you!

 Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence | Jeffrey R. Holland

I Have Confidence - Sierra Boggess 
You Say - BYU Noteworthy
Never Give Up - Fountainview Academy

Video shorts:
This Race Called Life - a beautiful inspirational short-story
If by Rudyard Kipling - Read by Sir Michael Caine
Demi Lovato - Confident [Ballerina/Leap]

and I just had to add a Josh Groban song: To Where You Are

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Simplicity ~


Talk: Mike Whitworth - “Simplicity, the Act of Doing”

 Simple gifts -Tabernace Choir
Ode to Simplicity - violin & piano
God´s Promise of Paradise ! - kingdom melody 
In His TIme - Lyric Video

video shorts:
"Life" - A Silent, Smart & Simple Short Film!
Think Simple Live Simple | Moral Stories in English

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Be Responsible ~

responsible synonyms:  accountable, answerable

TalkBe  Responsible | Elder Lynn G. Robbins

Responsibility Song (Mrs. Li's Class)
Small Things | Music Video
I Will | Face to Face
LDS Church Hymn- Know This, That Every Soul Is Free

Video Shorts:
How To Be Responsible and Accountable by Jeff Muir                                                               Responsibility