Sunday, August 22, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Murmur Not ~



Murmur Not by Neal A Maxwell

Press Forward Saints - Tabernacle choir at Temple Square
Wait and Murmur Not- virtual choir
Trust and Obey - Fountainview Academy

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Talk: "Aligning with the Light"  by Kevin Redd, BYU Idaho, August 10,2021


Teach Me to Walk in the Light - Tabernacle Choir
The Lord Is My Li ght  - Sister Missionaries
 Follow The Light – Hilary Weeks
Lead Kindly Light -BYU Vocal Point  

Video shorts:

I encourage you, my friends, to read Doctrine and Covenant section 88. to gain a better idea of the importance of Christ as the light, life, law, truth, and way. Have a great week. Pat