Sunday, February 28, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Believe Christ ~

Over 30 years ago I listened to this talk and then bought the book. It's practical message is still timely. As the world grows darker and the worldly messages bombard us from every direction we needed to resist all that is evil. At times we may fall prey to voices calling to us that all is well, a little sin, a little lie, a little unkindness won't hurt us. But that is not true! That is the time we can and we must call upon Christ to help us, to strengthen us, and forgive us. The blog today is for any of you that need reminding of the great truth of the Atonement of Jesus Christ who loves us. Have a good week. 

Listen or read: Believing Christ: A Practical Approach to the Atonement by Stephen E. Robinson
In Christ Alone - BYU Vocal Point
This is the Christ- Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Your Grace Still Amazes Me -  Fountainview Academy

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Centered ~

"It is the skills that we develop in using our spiritual mode of perceiving that compensate for our mortal limitations and gaps."

 ðŸ’–May we all be centered in Christ and learn to Hear Him as our Prophet, Russell M. Nelson, asks us. Perhaps you can study all the names for Christ  and become a "new person" and become more like Him. Have a wonderful week my friends, I love you!💓

Watch: Empty Centers and Fire of the Lord by Michelle Stott James

He Knows - Shawna Edwards
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go - Fountainview Acadmey
How Can It Be -  Lauren Daigle
Because He Lives (Amen) - West Coast Choir
My Prayer For You - Alisa Turner
You'll Never Walk Alone - Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~Sunny Side of the Street ~

Read, listen or watch"The Sunny Side of the Street"  by Quentin L Cook
"If you focus your life on the Savior, you will find yourself on the 
“Sunny Side of the Street” and have joy."
Sunny Side of the Street (Jazz song sung by Doris Day)
Happy Now (Children's song of Optimism)
He Knows (Song of hope)
Psalms 91(Violin & orchestra)

Video shorts:

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Inspiration for our times ~ Persevere in Unity ~

In the talk I have posted you may enjoy learning how the seventh inning stretch in baseball began. "What does that have to do with unity," I hear you ask.  Listen to the entire 23 minute talk and you will discover the answer. 
Kevin Worthen says, Life "... is full of promise but also one in which we face two major challenges: (1) a global pandemic that threatens our physical health and (2) increasing divisiveness and anger that threaten the moral and spiritual fiber of our society. Basically, COVID and chaos. The good news is that there are things within our individual and collective control that we can do to address both of these challenges."

Watch, listen or read:  Persevere in Unity by Kevin J. Worthen 

"We are unity" - ASEAN friends
Train Passengers Sing -Sing Over the Rainbow
Coming Home -Sung by April Meservy
Soon - American Festival Choru
Here I Am, Lord   Choir & Orchestra of St. Lillian
The Light of Unity - Tom Trenney
Unity (Alan Walker) 

Video shorts: